A to Z for Parents

A to Z for Parents (English)


"Our Children and Learning Come First"


Programs and Practices from A - Z





Virginia state accreditation is determined yearly by the Standards of Learning (SOL) results in English (Reading/Writing), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 take the growth assessment in reading and math in the fall and end of grade tests in May.


Advisory Council

This is a Council of parents, teachers, and administrators who meet monthly to discuss the instructional focus and needs of the school. Budget, enrollment, state and local assessments, and open chair are consistent agenda items. The Advisory council also creates updates and monitors our school level Strategic Plan, which details student achievement and satisfaction data.



Parents are encouraged to minimize absences during school hours and to plan any family trips and vacations when school is not in session. View the PWCS school calendar.

Requests for prearranged absences for longer than one school day should be for extenuating circumstances and must be submitted in writing to the principal within a reasonable time for the school to review, approve, and assign the absence type of excused or unexcused. Prearranged absences for longer than five school days must also be reviewed by the Student Health and Wellness Department.

Prearranged absences that are beyond 15 consecutive school days will result in the withdrawal of the student from school (which is required under Virginia law).

Teachers shall have discretion to decide the type and amount of work and when students shall make up work for preapproved absences. Teachers are not required to provide assignments in advance of the absences but may do so at their discretion. Parents and students are encouraged to work with teachers before the absence to develop a plan for making up missed work, including expected deadlines.


Auto Dialer

This is our auto-telecommunications system. On occasion, we may send school wide telephone messages and/or emails to all parents/guardians to inform you of important events, dates, school closures, etc. Please make sure that the school has a current phone number and email address.



Students may earn and receive quarterly awards for Attendance, Academic Progress, and Citizenship. The criterion for each award is listed below:


Principal's Honor Roll- A's in all academic areas and S or higher in encore, listening, speaking, work habits, and conduct.


Honor Roll- A's or B's in all academic areas with S or higher in encore, listening, speaking, work habits, and conduct.


Shining Shamrock- (2nd- 4th grading periods) Improvement in one or more areas with no dropped grades. This award can be given in conjunction with any other award.


Class Act Awards- Students earning an S+ in work habits and conduct.


Outstanding Attendance- Students may be absent for religious reasons and still qualify for this award. Religious absences must be approved through the office.

1st Nine Weeks------------No Absences

2nd Nine Weeks------------No Absences

3rd Nine Weeks------------No Absences

4th Nine Weeks------------No Absences






Bilingual Students


Students who speak their native language and English are bilingual.



Birthday students are invited to walk to the front office to receive a special birthday pencil and hear a "Happy Birthday" song.  If you would like to bring a treat to be shared at lunch, please contact your child's teacher to make arrangements.  


 Box Tops for Education

Please continue to collect/scan Box Tops throughout the year. Encouraging family and friends to begin collecting box tops and placing a box at your work place will help our school acquire library books, technology and more. Students are encouraged to bring in the box tops to their classroom teachers on a regular basis.





Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child at the Family Table. Please check into the front office with your ID to receive a visitor's badge.  Once your child's lunch is over, please return to the front office to pick up your ID. 

 Charm Academy & Shamrock U

These programs are offered  throughout the school year  before or after school (depending on the teacher's schedule). Students will be selected to participate in either an enrichment or additional support portion of the program based on assessment data. Students will be given small group instruction in reading, math, or science (5th grade only).


Child Abuse/Neglect

By law, we are required to report every incident of suspected abuse or neglect. Child Protective Services (CPS) will conduct the investigation to determine the details and the facts of the case.

 Class Placement

Students are placed in classrooms according to:

  • Reading Levels
  • Math Levels
  • Gender, Race/Ethnic Codes
  • Special Education Needs
  • ESOL Needs
  • Behavior and Work Habits

Using this data, we group students, so that teachers can maximize instructional time. Teachers, administration and guidance counselors provide input during this process.


Code of Behavior

Prince William County enforces a "Zero Tolerance for Violence" policy. Words, gestures, and actions that hurt, offend or threaten will receive strong disciplinary actions. Items that can be deemed as a weapon are not allowed. Behaviors that range from name calling to fighting will not be tolerated. Students should always exhibit positive behaviors in accordance with the Prince William County Public Schools Code of Behavior. This includes on the buses, at the bus stops and while walking to and from school each day. All students will attend a Code of Behavior assembly at the beginning of the school year to review the expectations. Parents should also review the Code of Behavior with their children, (a link was sent to you with the beginning of school information letter.) Parents are required to sign in Parentvue that Code of Behavior was read and understood. If necessary, consequences that range from a conference to suspension will be recommended. Safety is a priority at Mullen Elementary!



Conferences are held school wide twice a year. Parents should receive an invitation to a meeting if one is requested. Parents are also welcome to schedule a conference with their child's teacher whenever the need arises.



Students may receive instruction from two or more teachers. The classroom teacher coupled with Reading/Math specialists, SOL and/or Special Education teacher co-plan, co-teach, and co-assess, so that they can differentiate instruction. Together, they share a common responsibility for all learners. The entire class benefits from this team-teaching approach.


Curriculum Requirements

The following chart depicts the minutes which teachers are to spend on each curriculum area per day.

Curriculum Area

Curriculum Area

Language Arts/Reading:

Kindergarten: 120-140 minutes

Grades 1-2: 110-125 minutes

Grades 3:95-110 minutes

Grades 4: 85-95

Grade 5: 80-95


All Grades 2x 15 minutes


Kindergarten: 70-80 minutes

Grades 1-3: 75- 90 minutes

Grades 4-5: 70-80 minutes


All Grades 30 minutes

Social Studies/Science: combinded or alternate units except for grades 4-5

Kindergarten: 30-40 minutes

Grades 1-2: 35-45 minutes

Grades 3: 50-60 minutes

Social Studies:

Grade 4: 40-50 minutes (VAS)

Grade 5: 30-35 minutes

Encore (Art, Music, Spanish, Library):

All Grades 45 minutes



All Grades 45 minutes

(two times every six days)

Social Studies/Science: combinded or alternate units except for grades 4-5

Kindergarten: 30-40 minutes

Grades 1-2: 35-45 minutes

Grades 3: 50-60 minutes


Grade 4: 30-40 minutes

Grade 5: 45-55 minutes

Core Extension:

All Grades 35 minutes
















Dress Code

Students must come to school dressed for learning. Clothing that display gang signs or pictures that are associated with gangs, profanity, alcohol, or tobacco products will not be allowed. Likewise, students need to wear tops that completely cover their stomachs/navels. Spaghetti straps that show the chest area and/or bra are not allowed. Please no "saggy-baggy" pants, and a belt is encouraged. Sandals must have a strap around the heel to ensure safety. No flip-flops, please. Shorts and short skirts must pass the "fingertip" test. Dress Code concerns will be handled administratively, and parents may need to provide a change of clothes.




Emergency Cards

All parents/guardians must update the emergency information in Parentvue at the beginning of the school year. If your information should change during the school year, please send us the updates. Current emergency information is extremely important for the safety of our youngsters. Students will not be released to individuals who are not listed on the emergency contacts.


ENCORE Specialists

Our 45 minute block schedule allows for a daily ENCORE time of one of the following: Art, Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) (Spanish), Music, P.E., and Library.


English Language Learners (ELL)

 Students who speak a language other than English are assessed and identified for this instructional program. The ELL teachers provide specialized instruction on English Language Development. We embrace diversity at Mullen Elementary School!



Family Nights

Mullen is a Family Friendly School. We invite parents to join us for various events that foster community sharing, fun, and partnerships. Our PTO will keep us informed about upcoming social eventsMullen's Administration will send out information about upcoming events through School Status. 

 Field Trips

Each grade level plans to enjoy two field trips that support the curriculum. We recognize the value of learning in various forums. Our youngsters are motivated by the experiences that they have in local museums and theatres. Chaperones are rquired to ensure the safety of our students. Field trips that exceed our immediate community warrant charter buses that impact the cost of field trips. Our goal is to give parents advanced notification of scheduled field trips, so that all students can participate.



Gifted Education

 Strategies for Teaching and Reaching Talents (START) is a potentially gifted education program for students in grades K, 1, 2, and 3. Teachers or parents can recommend students who have consistently demonstrated higher level thinking skills. Students who qualify for this service will receive an enriched and accelerated curriculum under the instruction of a gifted education resource teacher.  These students meet with the gifted education teacher weekly for 45 minutes.

 Students Involved in Gifted Needs in Education Today (SIGNET) is a gifted education program for students in grades 4 and 5. The Cognitive Abilities Achievement Test (CogAT) and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test is given to all  2nd graders. These test scores are used as part of the eligibility process. Teacher and parent recommendations are also critical components of the identification and screening process as well as grades and work products. Identified SIGNET students will attend full day classes once a week at Mullen's Gifted Center.



The Prince William County School Board supports the appropriate use of homework to enrich, enhance, and/or extend the instructional program. Homework shall be incorporated as a meaningful component of the instructional program. Homework assignments should be understood by the student and should involve only work for which the student is ready. All assigned homework will receive feedback from the teacher. 
Homework assignments shall be based on the teacher's assessment of the student's instructional needs. Teachers will use discretion in assigning homework so that it may be completed in a reasonable amount of time. 

We recognize the importance of homework. It provides out-of-class activities or projects which reinforces and enriches, enhances, and extends the classroom instructional program. Please support our expectations for this extension of the instructional day. Homework is expected to be completed and returned to school. Parents can help reinforce and support the completion of homework by establishing a daily homework routine:

Upon arrival home from school:

  • Students should eat a nutritious snack and have some time to play.
  • Parents and students should establish a quiet area where homework can be done with minimal interruption. Parents are encouraged to go over homework with their child after he/she completes it.
  • Eat dinner together as a family whenever possible and take time to ask your child about his or her school day.
  • All students should READ for at least 20 minutes every night.
  • Limit the time your child watches television and plays video games.



Inclusive Classroom

We embrace an inclusive culture at Mullen Elementary, and we support instruction via the least restrictive environment. All students will have learning opportunities in the classroom, through small group or whole group instruction. In addition, there may be academic or social needs that need to be addressed in a "pull-out" session in a different location. Teachers have the autonomy to match student needs to various instructional practices.


International Baccalaureate Program (IB PYP)

The PYP is a program of inquiry which utilizes inquiry-based teaching and learning. It focuses on providing students opportunities to think and learn using a global perspective and a hands-on student driven framework. We focus on the IB Learner profile and the attributes of good citizenship. Look for monthly newsletters describing these attributes and what your child is learning in the IB curriculum.



Interpreting Service

If you need an interpreter, please see a member of the office staff for assistance, contact the school at 703.330.0427.





During an emergency situation we will activate our Lockdown safety procedure. During a Lockdown, we remain inside the building, and possibly, away from locked doors and windows, in a crouched position until directed to resume our normal school day operations. All exterior doors are locked and only "authorities" are allowed inside. Parents may not pick-up their children during a Lockdown. We will have scheduled Lockdown drills to practice this safety procedure.

 Lending Library

Students in grades K-5 can visit the Lending Library daily to select a book for home reading. We also accept donations of gently used books to update our collection.


Little Free Library

This little blue book box is located to the right of the main entrance by the picnic tables. This a system for students to use after school hours to promote daily reading. Read and return books will be available in the book box for student use. Books are first come, first serve. If no books are available, check back another day. Also, if you can donate a book, please leave it in the book box to share with others.




Mathematic Connects

Prince William County Public Schools has adopted the Origo Math program which is designed to provide students with an engaging, yet balanced approach to mathematics that includes conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning and productive disposition. This program also includes methods of differentiation which will ensure that the needs of all students will be met.








$1.50 (free this year)

$0.30 (free now)



$2.50 (free this year)

$0.40 (free now)



$0.70 (no a la carte)

$0.70 (no a la carte)


Soy Milk

$1.25 (no a la carte)



Meals- All breakfast and lunch are free for students this year. No a la carte milk is being served to students.








Our school nurse will handle all medical needs. Prescribed medication requires a completed physician's authorization form. All over the counter medications (cough medicine/drops, ointment, Tylenol) require a parent's authorization form and must be kept and administered in the nurse's office. Medication must be managed so that the intended patient consumes it. Students with asthma or allergies should have treatment (nebulizers and inhalers) at home and at school.


 MTSS (Multi- Tiered Systems of Support)

Students’ formal and informal assessment data will be monitored weekly for academic progress.  If/When students are identified as needing additional academic support, they will be assigned a research-based intervention in their identified area to be provided in addition to their regular Tier 1 instruction.  The MTSS team consists of an administrator, classroom teacher, school psychologist, math and reading specialists, and other staff members who work with the student.  The team will monitor student academic progress and report this inforation to families.


Mullen Advisory Council (MAC)

This is a council of parents, teachers, and administrators who meet monthly to discuss the instructional focus and needs of the school. Budget, enrollment, state and local assessments, and open chair are consistent agenda items. The Advisory council also creates, updates, and monitors our school level Strategic Plan, which details student achievement and satisfaction data.


Mullen Newsletter

A monthly newsletter will be sent home the first Friday of each month via the school messenger system. It will also be posted on the school website. If you would like a paper copy, please stop by the office. Newsletters, as well as, other schoolwide information are provided in multiple languages.  In addition to the monthly newsletter, administration and staff  will send a weekly update.




Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The PTO sponsors activities and events to unite families with the school. Fundraising is another goal of the PTO. This year the PTO will continue to focus on organizing family nights and fundraisers. Please join our PTO during monthly meeting via Zoom or in the school library. Your support is important to the success of this organization.





ParentVUE is a parental account to allow access to student attendance, grades, report cards, etc. If you need assistance setting up your account, please contact the front office at 703-330-0427.





Reading is integrated in all subject areas. Our goal is to have all students reading on grade level at least by 3rd grade. This will enable students to perform at their full capacity in 4th and 5th grade. We teach decoding (phonics), word meaning, and passage comprehension. Teachers receive training in reading instruction on a regular basis. Reading at home is a critical component of our reading goal. We assess each student's reading progress throughout the school year.


There is a direct correlation between achievements on standardized tests and the number of minutes read independently per day.




(Minutes per day)











(Anderson, Richard: Reading Research Quarterly, Volume 3, 1989)



Students will receive 30 minutes of recess daily. This can be broken up or completed in one 30-minute block. Students are prohibited from bringing balls or toys to school to ensure no loss of or damage to personal property. If a student brings items to school, they will be confiscated and held in the office until dismissal.

 Report Cards

Students receive quarterly progress reports to include academic, conduct, and work habit grades. Please review the report card, praise your child, and provide the necessary routines and expectations for excellence. Report cards will be available in ParentVue quarterly.


Retention in PWCS is very rare.  We will monitor student achievement very closely. Students who are not mastering the grade level's Standards of Learning objectives may be considered for retention. Parents will be notified at the end of the first semester (18 weeks). If student achievement continues to lag, parents will receive a 2nd letter at the end of the third grading period (27 weeks). Retention is a lifelong decision, so we depend on detailed data and information when making a decision to retain a student. Parental involvement is a must!

 Robotics Club

Students in grades 4 & 5 can apply for this club. They meet 2 days a week before school to design, program and control fully functionally LEGO Robots. More information will be sent our later in the year about this opportunity.



Safety Drills and Procedures
Our students' safety is a priority. To prepare students and staff for emergencies, the administrators conduct drills periodically throughout the year. Fire drills are conducted weekly in September, and once a month after that. In addition, we routinely conduct tornado, earthquake, and lockdown drills. In the event that we would need to evacuate the area, our alternate shelter location is Unity Reed Senior High School. The school's address is 10100 Lomond Drive in Manassas.  Drill information will be shared in our monthly Family Newsletter.

 Safety Patrols

Selected students in 5th grade may be safety patrols. Safety Patrols are student leaders who help with safety at their bus stops, on the bus, and at school. Interested 5th graders will need a recommendation from their teachers, and must write an essay stating why they would like to become a Safety Patrol. Once selected, Safety Patrols must maintain at least a "C" average and an "S" in conduct. They meet monthly with a Prince William County Crossing Guard Officer to discuss safety. A "Patrol of the Month" is chosen each month.


School Age Child Care (SACC)

SACC is a before school and after school child care program in the auxiliary gym at Mullen Elementary. Students may arrive as early as 6:00 a.m. and stay as late as 6:30 p.m. Though we provide space for the SACC, it is a separate program from our school. SACC's phone number is 703.791.8844. You may also visit them online at www.sacc.departments.pwcs.edu.


School Counselor

Our school counselors provide classroom guidance for all students. They deliver lessons according to the Prince William County curriculum. These lessons support self-image, teamwork, choices, community, and communication. Students may request counseling or parents can make the request. The counselors are also an excellent resource for community information and services.


School Messenger

Is a divisionwide web hosting product used to maximize communication between students, staff, and parents. Parents are encouraged to visit https://mullenes.pwcs.edu/ often to learn about the exciting things taking place in your child's classroom.


School Schedule

9:05  Breakfast served

(Students should not arrive before 9:05am because there is not supervision until then.)

9:15 Arrival Bell

9:20 Tardy Bell Rings/Instructional time begins

4:00 Dismissal begins


School Pictures

Students are individually photographed in the fall, and again in the spring. Individual and group/class pictures are taken in the spring.


Shelter in Place

During an emergency, we may provide "Shelter in Place" for our school. This means that we remain inside the building until it is safe to resume our outside activities. Instruction continues, and school entry is limited.


Special Education

Our student population has diverse instructional needs due to disabilities such as Specific Learning Disabled (SLD) and Speech and Language Impaired (SLI). These students receive individualized instruction based upon their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and their identified academic, behavioral, or emotional needs.


Spirit Wear

Monday is our school spirit day, and we proudly wear our green and blue. Be sure to purchase your school spirit wear when offered throughout the year! Fridays are Fitness Fridays. Students dress comfortably and participate in physical activity with their teacher.

 Standards of Learning (SOLs)

Prince William County's curriculum includes the Virginia SOLs for each grade level. Students are expected to demonstrate mastery in all subjects. Teachers prepare students for these high stakes tests all year long. Our accreditation and adequate yearly progress will be based upon student performance on the SOLs. Parental support for all instructional programs and assignments is paramount. The specific SOLs for each grade level are available at www.pwcs.edu.


Standards Based Grading

Student grades will be collected on SOL standards. With standards-based grading students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery of an objective. You may see teachers send home a retest slip and accompanying study material to facilitate success in retesting. All teachers in a grade level will agree on the assignments that will be used in the gradebook to promote a uniform assessment of students.


Student Council Association (SCA)

The SCA is another opportunity for students to demonstrate leadership and active involvement. Two students in grades 3-5 are selected from each class.  Students in the 4th & 5th grades may campaign and present a speech followed by school wide elections. The SCA sponsors community outreach programs such as Food Drives, Coats for Kids and Pennies for Patients. SCA representatives must maintain good grades and appropriate conduct.

 Summer Reading

Prince William County Public Schools support the importance of reading throughout the summer in order to maintain or improve reading levels. We will acknowledge and reward the students who complete the Summer Quest reading program through the Public Library, or students who simply keep a log of their summer reading. They will receive various incentives from local business establishments at the beginning of the school year.

 Summer School

Students who qualify for additional support in reading, writing, and/or mathematics are recommended for summer school.  Summer school is a half-day program that runs for three weeks in July.


Each grade level has supplies they would like to have the students bring in, but they are not required. The list is sent home in July. In addition, supply lists are available in the front office and on the school website.




 It is very important that all students arrive at school on time each day. The instructional day begins promptly at 9:20 am. When students arrive late, they miss valuable instructional time and disrupt the learning process. If your child is tardy, you must accompany him/her into the building. They will be given a tardy pass to enter the classroom. A conference with an administrator will be scheduled for students who are consistently tardy. If tardiness continues to be excessive a referral to the Attendance Officer will be made.

 Title 1 Schoolwide Program

The emphasis in schoolwide program schools is on serving all students, improving all structures that support student learning, and combining all resources, as allowed, to achieve a common goal. Schoolwide programs maximize the impact of Title 1.



 In order to maintain a safe environment, all visitors must provide a photo ID before entering any areas of the building. Visitors should then sign in at the front desk to receive a visitor's pass, which must be worn and visible at all times while in the building. At the conclusion of the visit, the photo ID will be returned, and visitors will sign out. Thank you for helping to keep our schools safe.

 Parents are needed in every capacity. Please identify your niche, roll up your sleeves and join us. Here are a few areas to consider:

  • Room Mother/Father/Grandparent
  • Tutor
  • Office Assistant
  • Library Assistant
  • Nurse Assistant
  • Field Day
  • Field Trips
  • Technology Assistant
  • PTO
  • Mullen Advisory Council
  • Work from Home



Weekly Folders

On Fridays, a folder with graded class work and important information is sent home with all students. The Weekly Folders maintains communication between home and school. Parents are asked to review the information, sign and return the folders on Mondays.





Each year we'll publish a yearbook that captures many memories of the school year. Our Yearbooks are especially exciting for the 5th graders, as they move on to middle school.